About Us
MODSTREET believes in the magic and resiliency of our incredible towns and communities.
Our Story
All of our communities have an amazing opportunity to reshape the fabric of our downtowns by rethinking urban design and bringing the human element back to its core.
Founded and headquartered in Durango, Colorado, we know the importance of downtown to a community’s character. We created MODSTREET© to meet the needs of smaller communities that want to help strengthen their businesses and reimagine their downtown streetscape, during and beyond this pandemic. We provide unique, high quality, flexible, outdoor parklets and other modular products for retailers and communities alike.
We envision a bustling Main Street with bike lanes, walking zones with retail, restaurants and other small businesses extending their space into the open air. As our communities get back on track we must think outside the box in order to save our economy. Now is the time to alter an urban planning standard that hasn’t been modified since its inception.

Another Parklet success story
We all need to get outside. Emerging from a particularly difficult winter (of a particularly difficult year!) we’re all looking forward to feeling the wind on our face and feeling the sun on our skin. While this may be easier to accomplish if you live in the country or the suburbs, those who manage and develop downtown areas are looking at ways to promote healthy outdoor activities, particularly through the spring and summer months.
In downtown areas, one of the safest and most effective ways to do just that is by installing parklets.
What Is a Parklet?
A parklet is a custom, modular private space open to the sky. While offering those inside privacy from passersby, parklets nevertheless provide a sense of freedom and outdoor fun.
Often set up in former parking spaces or along public walkways, parklets allow you the joys of the outdoor experience with the protections of partial barriers.
Here at Modstreet, we provide parklets of various sizes and styles to suit your needs.
- Partial enclosures
- Full enclosures
- Barricades
Who Uses Parklets?
Over the past few years, parklets for restaurants have become increasingly popular; however, downtown eateries aren’t the only ones taking advantage of the power of parklets.
We’ve also seen an uptick in occurrences of
- Parklets for bars
- Parklets for retail stores
- Parklets for small businesses
- Parklets for residential communities
With many sizes and configurations available, parklets have proven valuable outdoor solutions for life, health, business, and human connection while still managing to maintain a measure of exclusivity and public safety for all involved.
Of course, if you’re going to set up parklets in busy parking lots or along a roadway, you’ll want to consider steel parklets for the safety of the community.
But when you’re able to take all factors into consideration (particularly parklets for restaurants!), you could very soon add yourself to our growing list of parklet success stories.
Another Parklet Success Story
Grand Junction, a small town in Colorado, is yet another parklet success story. Beginning in the winter months of 2020, they began using our Modstreet parklets to expand the seating capacities of local restaurants and small businesses, particularly in their downtown area.
The City of Grand Junction stated this on their Facebook about the new dining parklets: “These spaces will help create additional seating for local dining establishments and offer safer gathering spaces that adhere to COVID-19 guidelines.” (Mix 104.3)
Availing themselves of all types of parklet solutions we offer, Grand Junction has able to make a real difference for their business community. That makes a big difference in times like these, and we’re proud to add Grand Junction to our ever-growing list of parklet success stories.
Your Trusted Parklet Builders
Here at MODSTREET, we’d love to add you to the growing list of successes.
For more information on parklets, or to hear how MODSTREET can help bring your parklet vision to reality in your area, please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to learning more about your restaurant, small business, or community, and working together to leverage the power of parklets to your advantage!
- Partial enclosures
- Full enclosures
- Barricades
Who Uses Parklets?
Over the past few years, parklets for restaurants have become increasingly popular; however, downtown eateries aren’t the only ones taking advantage of the power of parklets. We’ve also seen an uptick in occurrences of- Parklets for bars
- Parklets for retail stores
- Parklets for small businesses
- Parklets for residential communities
Another Parklet Success Story
Grand Junction, a small town in Colorado, is yet another parklet success story. Beginning in the winter months of 2020, they began using our Modstreet parklets to expand the seating capacities of local restaurants and small businesses, particularly in their downtown area.The City of Grand Junction stated this on their Facebook about the new dining parklets: “These spaces will help create additional seating for local dining establishments and offer safer gathering spaces that adhere to COVID-19 guidelines.” (Mix 104.3)Availing themselves of all types of parklet solutions we offer, Grand Junction has able to make a real difference for their business community. That makes a big difference in times like these, and we’re proud to add Grand Junction to our ever-growing list of parklet success stories.