Placemaking Design on an Urban Scale
Placemaking aims to transform urban spaces into an experience. It adds humanity to an area, transforming it from a functional space to a place that fosters community and social connection.

Sidewalk Extension Without Construction
Increase walkability instantly with a Sidewalk Extension Without Construction. Our pedlet creates a pedestrian zone and safer districts in the blink of an eye.

Revitalization in downtown’s across America
Downtowns across America play a vital role in showcasing a community’s character. Due to the changing needs of communities over the past few decades, we have seen municipalities across the United States take part in revitalization efforts in their downtowns.

Repurposed Parklets and Activating Dead Spaces
Parklets, commonly built up along public sideways and in old parking spaces, allow you to enjoy the outdoors while being protected by partial barriers. MODSTREET provides parklets of different sizes, shapes, and styles to suit your needs. Some of them include barricades, partial enclosures, and complete enclosures. So, whether it is a downtown eatery, bar, small business, retail store, or residential community, the company can provide you with anything you need.

New “parklets” installed along Mountain Avenue
The installation of the Durango, Colorado-based MODSTREET modular parklets is part of Colorado’s Revitalizing Main Streets Program. In March 2021, the state legislature allocated $30 million to this CDOT program. The goal is to implement transport-related projects that will improve safety and yield long-term benefits to community main streets.

Measure the Fiscal Benefits of Converting a Parking Space to a Parklet
During the pandemic, many communities allowed their local restaurants and retailers to expand on public streets. This response was very popular, and many want to see it continue. A recent survey by the National Restaurant Association found that 84% of all respondents want to continue on-street dining post-pandemic.

MODSTREET to Install 2 Modular Parklets in Berthoud, CO as Part of the Revitalizing Main Streets Program
In its relentless efforts to reshape the fabric of America’s downtowns, MODSTREET is all set to install two of its state-of-the-art modular parklets in Berthoud, CO. This project is a part of the Revitalizing Main Streets Program from Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).

MODSTREET Partners with Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI) for the Installation of its Modular Parklets
MODSTREET, a noted provider of unique, high quality, flexible, outdoor parklets and other modular products, has recently joined hands with Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI). As part of the DCI Placemaking challenge, the company’s modular parklets will be installed in the San Luis Valley.

San Luis Valley creative placemaking challenge
CENTER — Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI) and Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA) are pleased to announce the San Luis Valley Creative Placemaking Challenge. The project will work with a variety of San Luis Valley partners including the towns of Antonito, Center, La Jara, and San Luis to create placemaking installations that invite ideas and entrepreneurial solutions from the people of the San Luis Valley.

Bump-outs for Businesses
Bump-Out program n response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the city of Durango and Business Improvement District (BID) created the Bump-Out program to encourage outdoor dining and business activity in downtown Durango. This temporary program allows businesses along Main Avenue and 2nd Avenue to use parking spaces and adjacent parts of the right-of-way for outdoor seating,

Colorado mountain towns rebound – and then some – from coronavirus
Despite grim projections, many communities saw waves of in-state visitors John Norton, Gunnison County’s tourism czar, was talking to his board last April. The ski resort had closed abruptly. Lodging and restaurants were closed. Visitors were being told to leave. The pandemic was triggering a panic in tourist-based economies across the country. A board member

Snappy, scalable street structures structures
Durango firm finds niche in bump-out designs in the COVID-19 era Fifth century B.C. Chinese general Sun Tzu famously noted “in the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” Durangoans Maggie Kavan and Michael Carrier are proving him right – forming MODSTREET in the depth of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 to build modular, easily