New “parklets” installed along Mountain Avenue - MODSTREET

New “parklets” installed along Mountain Avenue

The parklets are custom, modular private spaces that are open to the sky but provide a barrier and give patio-like extra seating space to businesses outdoors. The parklets have been constructed in front of businesses in former parking spaces.

The Town of Berthoud successfully applied for a Colorado Department of Transportation grant to install the two parklets,  earlier this year. The businesses that received the new installations are Kó-fē House located at 434 Mountain Ave. and Glass of Art located at 316 Mountain Avenue.

Tiffany Heywood, owner of Kó-fē House expressed her appreciation for the addition saying, “Kó-fē House is so grateful for the outdoor seating expansion provided by the Town.  The space was being used as soon as the parklets were installed.  It’s also really nice to have more space for people to gather and enjoy our downtown.”

The installation of the Durango, Colorado-based MODSTREET modular parklets is part of Colorado’s Revitalizing Main Streets Program. In March 2021, the state legislature allocated $30 million to this CDOT program. The goal is to implement transport-related projects that will improve safety and yield long-term benefits to community main streets. As Colorado looks to bounce back after the pandemic, the program looks to help businesses reopen safely and find innovative ways for communities to reuse public spaces.

“Berthoud is on the leading edge of an emerging trend nationwide: reimagining what downtowns could be with a more pedestrian and experience-oriented look and feel. MODSTREET was proud to be chosen to support their efforts in keeping their downtown vibrant and lively.  And frankly, parklets are fun. We are sure Berthoud’s residents and businesses will love them,” said Roger Zalneraitis, CEO of MODSTREET.

According to a press release from the town, the parklets were to, “…support and assist our small businesses through the COVID crisis and beyond.”

“These parklets allow us to utilize our public spaces in such a way that encourages Berthoud residents to shop and dine safely, bolstering the vibrancy of our downtown,” said Chris Kirk, Town Administrator.  “The parklets also provide a gathering or meeting space for anyone in our downtown and not just those patronizing Kó-fē House or Glass of Art” noted Kirk.

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